Is sleep apnea keeping you awake at night? If you regularly awaken feeling tired in spite of a full night’s sleep or if you frequently snore, sleep apnea could be to blame. Sleep apnea is a common condition that causes shallow breathing or stops breathing altogether during sleep. Sufferers may stop breathing 30 times or more every hour. Dr. Kim, our Torrance obstructive sleep apnea expert, can help.
Although millions are believed to suffer from sleep apnea, it is a disorder that can easily go unnoticed. People with sleep apnea may not realize they are experiencing symptoms of sleep apnea, or they may dismiss the loud, chronic snoring as nothing more than snoring. However, obstructive sleep apnea actually causes the airway to become blocked, which can lead to blood oxygen levels declining and the heart rate increasing. The brain will wake the sleeper briefly to reopen the airways, but most are unaware of this waking because it is so brief. Dr. Kim, our expert in obstructive sleep apnea in Torrance, can help you get an accurate diagnosis and the right treatment for your needs.
Torrance Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. It can range from mild to moderate to severe. Those with mild and moderate sleep apnea often respond well to custom-made oral appliances. Dr. Kim, our Torrance obstructive sleep apnea expert, custom-fits these appliances to give you comfortable, effective relief from your apnea symptoms.
Dr. Kim, our expert in obstructive sleep apnea in Torrance, works with patients to find personalized solutions for their sleep apnea needs. When not treated, sleep apnea can lead to serious health issues. Patients may suffer from daytime sleepiness, fall asleep at inappropriate times or become anxious and irritable. Over time, the sleep and oxygen deprivation can increase the risk of high blood pressure, obesity, depression and cardiovascular disease. Treatment can help you get a better night’s sleep and wake more rested, but it can also help you better manage these long-term risks. Call us today to schedule your sleep apnea evaluation with Dr. Kim, our Torrance sleep apnea dentist.