Severe Sleep Apnea Torrance
Severe sleep apnea is about more than just loud snoring. It has been linked to serious health problems ranging from cardiovascular disease and obesity, to type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. If you have sleep apnea, Dr. Kim, our Torrance severe sleep apnea expert can help.
Dr. Kim, our expert in severe sleep apnea in Torrance, will perform a physical exam and take your medical history. He will ask about any symptoms you or your sleeping partner have noticed, which may include:
• Loud or chronic snoring
• Choking, gasping, or snorting during sleep
• Pauses in breathing during sleep
• Frequently waking at night feeling short of breath
• Feeling sleepy or drowsy during the day even after a full night of rest
• Waking frequently to use the bathroom
• Waking with a dry mouth, a headache, or a sore throat
• Insomnia
• Restless sleep
Some symptoms may not be obviously associated with sleep apnea. These can include difficulty concentrating, mental fog, forgetfulness, irritability, depression, moodiness, and impotence. Let us know about any new or worsening symptoms that concern you.
Torrance Severe Sleep Apnea
Each patient’s needs are unique, and Dr. Kim, our Torrance severe sleep apnea expert, will work to find the most appropriate treatment for your needs. We often recommend oral appliance therapy. Oral appliances are used to properly position the jaw, which allows the airway to widen. This prevents the collapse and obstruction of the airway that causes sleep apnea. Many times, lifestyle changes will also be recommended to manage controllable risk factors, such as tobacco use or weight.
With your severe sleep apnea properly treated, you will sleep better. Fewer interruptions to your natural sleep cycle will help you get the rest you need and put less stress on your cardiovascular system. Your risk of sleep apnea-related diseases will drop, and you will find that you have more energy to do the things you love. Dr. Kim, our expert in severe sleep apnea in Torrance, can help you get the treatment you need.
Call us today to learn more or to schedule your appointment with our expert in sleep apnea in Torrance.