Sleep Apnea Home Test Torrance
Sleep apnea is believed to affect nearly 20 million Americans, and many of these people have not yet been diagnosed. Without treatment, they may be vulnerable to several serious health problems, including high blood pressure, a higher stroke risk, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, Dr. Kim, our Torrance sleep apnea home test provider, can help.
Common symptoms of sleep apnea include:
• Loud, chronic snoring
• A sore throat or dry throat
• Morning headaches
• Daytime drowsiness or fatigue
• Restless sleep and insomnia
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Feeling as though you are gasping or choking in your sleep
Dr. Kim, our expert in sleep apnea home test in Torrance, will evaluate you for these and other sleep apnea symptoms. We will perform a physical exam to check if your tonsils and soft palate are enlarged or if you have any signs of sleep apnea in your nose, throat or mouth. We will also evaluate your personal and family medical history and ask about family members who may have been diagnosed with the disease. A sleep apnea test will be needed for an accurate diagnosis.
Torrance Sleep Apnea Home Test
A sleep apnea test is performed while you sleep. This special test may be performed in your home or in a sleep laboratory depending on your needs. Dr. Kim, our Torrance sleep apnea home test provider, will help you decide on the most appropriate test for your needs.
During the sleep apnea test, your breathing patterns, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, airflow and other body functions and biometrics are monitored and recorded. If your breathing stops or your blood oxygen level drops during the night, the test will identify and record the incident. Dr. Kim, our expert in sleep apnea home test in Torrance, will evaluate the test results to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.
Many patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea benefit from sleep apnea mouthpieces, which fit into their mouths like a mouth guard to keep the airway open. Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kim, our expert in sleep apnea in Torrance.